Interior Monologue (Girl with Smart Phone)

By on Sep 25, 2016 in Humor, Poetry

Girl texting while walking

Though it’s no mace, but cell phone in my hand,
I’d like to favor you. But I’ve a slew
of messages whose import countermand
desires of my awestruck retinue
who pass me with petitions on the street.
Because of this, I claim the royal right
to read my e-mail following a tweet
to devotees while you keep me in sight.
Indeed, not only are my hands not free,
but texting makes it difficult to turn,
acknowledging those holding doors for me.
Thus, I can’t give the gratitude you yearn
for who suppose a royal highness grants
indulgence to her abject sycophants.


Born & bred in New Jersey, Frank De Canio works in New York. He loves music from Bach to Amy Winehouse, World Music, Latin, opera. Shakespeare is his consolation, writing his hobby. As poets, he likes Dylan Thomas, Ginsburg, and Sylvia Plath. He also attends a Café Philo in Lower Manhattan, and a poetry workshop at Café 28 in midtown Manhattan.