My intense intents indent the bubbles

By on Aug 20, 2023 in Cuttings, Poetry

Bubbles over sunset sky in motion

My intense intents indent the bubbles
of possibles, at times a severe pop
reports a part of the future is dropped,
or its dilatory delivery
retreats with reproach from my untimely
approach, hissing away escapadely.


TWIXT is the mononym-onym of Peter Specker. He has had poetry published in Margie, The Indiana Review, Amelia, California State Quarterlly, RE:AL, Pegasus, First Class, Pot-pourri, Art Times, The Iconoclast, Epicenter, Subtropics, Quest, Confrontation, Writers' Journal, Rattle, Prairie Schooner, and others. He lives in Ithaca, New York.