The Spandex Spider

By on Dec 17, 2014 in Poetry

Spandex Spider hero superimposed over small apartment.

People don’t realize how lonely
the super-life can be.
No one to cook dinner
or wash your clothes
and your costume always
in constant need.

They don’t see the bruises,
the scrapes, the scars.
All they hear are the cheers,
even when they’re hissing
beneath their breath
without an ounce of fear.

They’ve never watched you eat
alone without a mask,
microwaving burritos
that taste like plastic ash,
never knowing your tongue
never quite escaped Dimension MAX.

They’ve never had to wake up
in a strange lair
with an atom-splitting headache,
trussed upside-down,
smelling of their own vomit
and hardly able to breathe
through a blood-caked sea.

They’ve never had to devise
escapes from nefarious plots,
or learn to make bail
without a valid ID,
or bunk overnight
in an unmarked cell
while trying to ignore the tales
of the latest Kevlar Clarabell.

They’ve never had to look up
and feel the responsibility
of an entire city bearing down
while their ears rang
and their web-shooters ran dry
and the memory of their mother yelled,
Why can’t you ever once be on time?

They just don’t know what it’s like,
and even if you could,
you wouldn’t tell them —
not about the ramen noodle feasts
or washing your mask in the kitchen sink.
You’d let them think
you had a mansion uptown
and a girl from Models, Inc.

Because you are a super-hero
and without great power
what reason would you have
to believe our best intentions
are so much better than the greed
that is so often caught
betwixt the villainous webs

of you and me?


Jack Vian, 43, doesn't have a biography worth noting other than to say he was born in Texas and raised on comic books, sci-fi, and the worship of Elvis, Evel Knieval, and Star Wars. Between high school and adulthood he lost his way (literally as well as metaphysically) before returning to the Dharma, discovering his inner-yogi and remembering that with great power comes great responsibility. Today he continues to observe his durance while keeping faith with family and friends and seeking truth in word, thought, and deed. Some people call this literature. He has had work published in a variety of small journals, from Modern Haiku to War, Literature & The Arts. His work has most recently appeared in Rattle, Colere, Big Muddy and Gemini Magazine. He also has work forthcoming from about seven journals in 2014-15. You are welcome to contact him via e-mail.