From the Bookshelf

By Alyce Wilson

**** Must Read
*** Good
** Fair
* Save Your Money


All Eyes on Us
Charles Portolano
The Rockford Writers' Guild, 2007: ISBN 978-0-9796634-1-3
Rating: *

Overtly political poetry, tending towards the abstract and the polemical. The poet could benefit from the use of specifics and paying closer attention to poetic devices.

The Soul Decision
Charles Portolano
Wyndham Hall Press, 2003: ISBN 1-55605-355-X
Rating: **

A poet's exploration of the internal struggle he faced while coping with his daughter's illness and disability. Abstract and overwrought where they should use specific imagery, the poems fail to involve the reader.

The Triad
Charles Portolano
RWG Press, 2006: ISBN 0-9779035-9-1
Rating: *

A chapbook with poems ranging from everyday observations to political soapboxing. Only a few make an effort to draw in the reader, while most fall victim to cliches and abstract assertions.



Envy of the Gods: Book 1, If the Reward Were Right
Andrea Savitch
Bridgeway Books, 2006: ISBN 1-933538-11-2
Rating: *

A fantasy tale heavy on senseless violence and unconvincing romance, following a heroine and her efforts to change a kingdom. The main character is beautiful, intelligent and infallible, yet surrounds herself with vile, irredeemable companions.

The Stillness of Love
Rose Martha Villarreal
Tertulia Press, 2007: ISBN 0-978598-80-6
Rating: **

An epic romance tracing a mysterious love triangle with paranormal overtones. The plotline is needlessly complicated with too many interchangeable characters, using magic to patch over plot failings.




