
By on Jan 4, 2015 in Humor, Poetry

Happy dog on a patriotic background and bored cat on a keyboard.

“…if poets (often lacking God,
less often lacking cats)…” – Dan Chiasson

I’ve often heard that politicians
own dogs and we with creative natures
tend towards cats, and I wonder why.
Do politicians need clear emotions,
eyes filled with slavish devotion
or rage on the verge of attack,
while we of poetic bent
have become accustomed
to the blank, disinterested stare?


Carol Hamilton has recent publications In Louisiana Review, Tribeca Poetry Review, Boston Literary Review, Iodine Poetry Review, Bluestem, I-70 Review, U.S.1 Worksheet, Colere, Lilliput, Flint Hills Review, Hubbub, Blue Unicorn, Sow's Ear Poetry, District Lit, Haight Ashbury Poetry Journal, Texas Poetry Calendar and others. She has published 17 books: children's novels, legends and poetry, the latest being Such Deaths. She is a former poet laureate of Oklahoma and has been nominated five times for a Pushcart Prize.