Pick a Path with Heart

By on Nov 11, 2013 in Poetry

Queen Anne's lace with birds

the Chinese fortune cookie
fortune said, meaning with all
my soul, with all my strength, with
all the fortitude I could
muster. Just that much courage.

I’ve always known this rhythm
my feet make, the left, right, left,
depending on the pavement
with Loose Strife on the shoulders
of the road, Robins dotting
the margins like emphatic
punctuation marks. Mourning
doves coo; cardinals provide
that vital splash of color.

Gravel, asphalt, clay, or dirt,
how to choose? When there’s always
that fifty-fifty chance for rain,
for rubble and construction,
for mud and its myriad
distractions in this green world
where Queen Anne’s lace will rise up
joyful, like red-winged blackbirds
clinging to their flimsy reeds.
My needs become flimsy, too.

I could be walking on eggshells,
without thinking, and the world
around me evolving thoughtless,
the way it was meant to be,
adhering wordlessly to the skin
of my arms and legs, my feet
thumping this taut, hallow ground. 


Deborah H. Doolittle has lived in lots of different places but now calls North Carolina home. She has two Master's degrees and teaches at Coastal Carolina Community College. She is the author of two award-winning chapbooks and a book-length collection of poetry, Floribunda. Some of her poems have appeared in Kakalak, The Kerf, Natural Bridge, Pinyon Poetry, Poem, Poetalk, and Shemom, one of which has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.