Rick's Flight


By T. Richard Williams


"What if he's telling the truth?" The officer relaxed and went over to the agent.

"The guy's lying through his teeth. He knows Al-Saber's here. He probably knows the flight number. He'll fuck up. He'll do some stupid text message or e-mail thing that'll prove their relationship. Besides, we'll nab Sayeed. He's been spotted."

"But I mean, I don't think Todd knows Al-Saber's connections back in Pakistan."

"I'll buy that part — maybe. The truth is, he might just be one of those liberal intellectuals who thinks it's always the government's fault. Some nancy who wants to save the rest of the world and let America go down the tubes."

"Is Todd dumb enough to book the same flight?"

"Maybe, but I doubt it. Al-Saber's in the airport, heading for this terminal. The next few minutes will tell us all we need to know."

"We should've bugged the good professor's house."

"Yeah, woulda, shoulda, coulda. Always the red tape, Sterling, red tape."

"Always that, right?"



Rick went to the waiting room. He's here somewhere, isn't he?

A woman's voice sounded over the loudspeaker: "Boarding for British Airways Flight Number 12 to Shannon, Dublin, and London will be in approximately 30 minutes, please have your..."

He didn't listen to the rest, which also became a spiel in French and German. He checked his watch: 6:20.

What the hell possessed me to do this? He's not gonna be on the same flight as you. And even if he were, what did you plan on doing? Go up and start a conversation. Especially if Homeland's looking for him? You could always have a sky marshall wrestle you to the ground in mid flight. Then he laughed. You watch too many movies, Rick. Then the chill again: How did he know Sayeed said that to me? Were they eavesdropping in the Museum? Was it just coincidence? Fuck, I'm losing it, aren't I?

The stream of consciousness blathered on as he walked through the terminal from gate to gate, then to the stores, then back to the gates, checking his watch every couple of minutes.

Then he heard another announcement: "Icelandair Flight Number 122 to Reykjavik, London, and Zurich will now board at Gate..."

London? Rick hadn't thought of that.

He checked the time: 6:30.

For Christ's sake, you're such an idiot. Just because British Air is the first name that pops into your mind doesn't mean it's what he'll take. Jesus Murphy. He walked to the board and saw about three different flights to London, all leaving between now and 9 PM, only one on British Air.

OK. Keep cool. He sauntered over towards Gate 12.

In the crowd, waiting to show his boarding pass, was Sayeed. Rick was sure of it. Same build. Short hair — but died platinum, which looked kind of cool against his dark Mideastern features. Sunglasses.

Rick quickly turned. There was a newsstand directly opposite, so he went there and positioned himself in a way to look like he was paging through magazines, still getting a view of Sayeed.

Sayeed turned for a second. He was looking in Rick's direction, but because of the dark glasses, Rick couldn't tell if there was any eye contact. Sayeed was next in line.

He showed the attendant his pass. She scanned it. After a moment, he was waved through.