Faye Turner

By Mary Matus

If I told you I was reading a book about Alexander the Great, would you be fascinated? If you’re not a history buff, you might just roll your eyes. But what if I told you I was reading a book involving political intrigue and a love triangle? Is it starting to sound interesting?

Traces: Birth of Alexander the Great Book 2: Son of the Bracelet by Faye Turner is narrated by Daneion Pelos, a doctor who is in love with Olympias.

Olympias is pregnant with Alexander and married to Philip. We don’t see much of Philip, but we don’t need to. Turner lets us know of Philip’s threat through Daneion, Olympias, and their friends as they try to keep the tryst a secret.

The fact that we know Alexander will be born and become a great leader doesn’t lessen the suspense of the last half of the book that focuses on the plots against Olympias and her unborn baby. We fear for their safety, and we feel Daneion’s desperation as he tries to find a way to protect Olympias.

The book's details show the amount of research Turner has done. She isn’t giving a history lesson, however. She doesn’t stop to explain every little detail about life in ancient Greece, and it isn’t necessary to enjoy the book.

You don’t have to be a history buff to enjoy Turner’s book, but you may become one after reading it.

Rating: *** (Good)

Ki Eea Key Press, 2006: ISBN 978-0-9762500-3-6