Winter Wonderland?
By Mary Matus

As I drove home from work recently through, I looked around through the snow-covered mountains admiring the white trees. Sounds beautiful, right? A beautiful winter wonderland.

Only one problem - it was spring.

Granted, it wasn't even one week into spring, but it was spring anyway. After a brief spell of nice weather the week before, I was ready to start getting out my spring clothes. I thought the previous time I'd worn my heavy winter jacket was the last time this season.

I was so happy the first time the weather was in the 60's I was doing my "Yay! It's spring and I'm ready for it" dance. How was I to know that Mother Nature has a cruel sense of humor?

So, I sat in work watching the snowflakes fly and listening to the radio as the local schools let the kids out early. Don't get me wrong. I actually like snow. I'm not really fond of driving in it, but, hey, if it's just enough to make it look nice and wintry, then I'm all for it. I guess I should emphasize that the key word is "wintry."

I don't want it wintry at the end of March. I wanted it wintry, well, during winter. I have to confess to being a bit of a hopeless romantic. I'm one of those people who actually want a White Christmas. (Not to mention a white birthday in December.)

Not only did I not get a White Christmas or a white birthday, I didn't get much of a white winter. Though, the possibility of a White Easter suddenly seemed likely. I got this mental image of little kids carrying around snow shovels to dig out Easter eggs during the annual Easter egg hunts. At least, they'd be easier to find. All that grass makes it so much harder.

In the spirit of the snow, you may choose to make up some your very own "Easter carols." I've included some ideas to help get you started:

Easter Eggs (to the tune of Jingle Bells)

Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs,
We're looking for Easter Eggs,
We're looking through a foot of snow
And I cannot feel my legs.

Children are running through the yard.
Looking for every clue.
It shouldn't really be that hard.
Hey, that kid's turning blue!

It is starting to snow again.
But some eggs still are hid.
We probably should be going home.
Hey, aren't we missing a kid?

I'll Be Numb For Easter
(to the tune of I'll Be Home for Christmas)

I'll be numb for Easter
The weatherman told me so.
I'm very mad and a little sad
Because my daffodils just started to grow.

We'll have snow for Easter.
Yes, it's starting to looking that way.
I guess instead of the Easter bunny,
We should be looking for Santa and his sleigh.


As I'm writing this, I am crossing my fingers and knocking on all the wood I can find in the hopes that we have seen the last of the snow. If not, I guess the Easter Bunny will have to learn how to travel safely through the snow. Maybe Santa Claus could give him some tips.

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